In today's world, hardly anything is "built to last." Our society has embraced the disposable, the temporary, and a "15 minutes of fame" culture. But the same cannot be said of Christ's Church. In Matthew 16, Jesus promised His disciples that He would build His Church upon the bedrock confession that He is the Christ; the Son of the Living God--and even the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church. It is true that individual congregations and even synods come and go as the pages of history unfold...but the Church of Jesus Christ, rooted in the true confession that Jesus is Lord will never pass away.
In light of this eternal and temporal reality, it is appropriate for a congregation to celebrate a significant milestone in her life and ministry. It is for this reason that the saints of God in Christ who gather at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Warda, Texas, cordially invite YOU to join us in giving thanks to God for His faithfulness toward our community; to rejoice in His continued care for souls as the Gospel is proclaimed and the Sacraments are administered; and finally, to commend the future of our congregation and all congregations into God's loving hands.
On Sunday, April 23, the anniversary will proceed as follows:
9:00am - "Homecoming" Worship - Guest Preacher, Rev. Duane Bamsch, son of Holy Cross (this service will also be a time to welcome former members and pastors back into our midst)
10:30am - Refreshments, Reminiscing, and Special Greetings
12:00pm - Catered Lunch
3:00pm - Anniversary Celebration Worship - Guest Preacher, Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler, Lutheran Hour Speaker